City[zen] is a multifunctional urban vehicle concept which solves the problem of parking in overpopulated cities and provides for comfortable driving in different styles.
City[zen] has an engine-driven body transformation system which adapts the car to various drive conditions. The car’s transformation system is based on mechanical parts without any robotic systems. city[zen] can change its body position according to speed and the situation on the road.
There are three basic modes: highway mode, city mode and parking mode. Highway mode has a long wheel base, good aerodynamics and a lower focal point – those factors encouraging high speed on the highway. City mode has a short wheel base, a high point of view, and higher sitting for the driver – very comfortable for driving in city traffic. Parking mode allows the vehicle to occupy very small parking spaces thanks to the more vertical configuration of the car’s body. The car’s roof transforms into doors in parking mode. The vehicle provides safe parking with exit directly to the pavement.
The position of the driver’s seat is dynamic. It changes in sequence with the car’s body position. Seats have five control points which change the seat’s surface, allowing it to transform into coach or bed. Users can watch TV or cinema with a large LCD panel and acoustic system installed in the baggage section. The baggage section opens with a blinds system. Just park city[zen] in a comfortable place, turn on the cinema and relax!
red dot: best of the best
red dot award: design concept 2007
design: BEZ-A architecture & design studio
In-house design: Denis Voenkov, Ivan Kuryachiy, Alen Kharinkin
: 외관이 조금 아쉽지만 구조적으로는 너무 멋지다.