"The products are designed to be used by blind people, with the exception of 'Rifletti'. The aim was to create objects pleasant to use for people with such disabilities because the objects they usually use can sometimes be really cold and unpleasant. For example: devices made for the blind are primarily based on robotic voices or braille writing. The objects we designed are based on deeper sensations, like the smell of flowers or the sound of leaves in a forest. During the exhibition at Salone Satellite, we let people test our designs, and we realized that everyone enjoyed using objects that can stimulate all senses. This kind of experience helped most people to understand more about blindness."

Shown above is Scented Time, the antithesis of a watch that marks time in a neutral manner, ignoring subjectivity. Sovrapensiero asks, "How long is a moment of pleasure? What is its smell?" Each candle is scented differently and lasts twenty minutes, lighting the next one before the flame goes out. The user decides when the period of time shall begin when the first candle is lit, and thus smells the passage of time.

+ sovrappensiero.com
